Connectors utilitzats

Connectors  (plugins) emprats a l'Arxiu Digital Pasqual Maragall:

Admin Images (Versió 1.3 per UC Santa Cruz University Library)
This Omeka 2.0+ plugin allows administrators to upload images not attached to items for use in carousels and simple pages

Archive Document (Versió 2.4.1 per Daniel Berthereau)
The format of the documents that is used internally by OAI-PMH Static Repository and some other plugins.

Archive Repertory (Versió 2.15.7 per Daniel Berthereau)
Keeps original names of imported files and put them in a hierarchical structure (collection / item / files) in order to get readable urls for files and to avoid an overloading of the file server.

Batch Uploader (Versió 1.0.0 per University of Toronto Libraries)
Plugin for quickly uploading many files to Omeka.

Bulk Metadata Editor (Versió 2.4 per UC Santa Cruz University Library, Daniel Berthereau)
Adds search and replace functionality allowing curators to update metadata fields over many records quickly and easily.

COinS (Versió 2.0.3 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Adds COinS metadata to item pages, making them Zotero readable.

Collection Tree (Versió 2.1 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Gives administrators the ability to create a hierarchical tree of their collections.

CSS Editor (Versió 1.1 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Add public CSS styles through the admin interface.

CSV Export Format (Versió 1.0.1 per University of Toronto Libraries)
Adds CSV as an item export format. Can optionally work with annotations from IIIF Toolkit with Mirador.

CSV Import (Versió 2.0.4 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Imports items, tags, and files from CSV files.

CSV Import+ (Versió 2.3.3 per Daniel Berthereau: improvement of CSV Import of Center for History & New Media)
Imports and updates collections, items, files, tags and any metadata or extra data from CSV files.

Docs Viewer (Versió 2.2 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Embeds a Google document viewer into item show pages. PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, TIFF files, and some Microsoft Word documents are supported.

Dropbox (Versió 0.7.2 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)

Dublin Core Extended (Versió 2.2 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Adds the full set of Dublin Core properties to the existing Dublin Core element set, including element refinements and supplemental elements. See DCMI Metadata Terms:

EAD (Versió 2.4.3 per Daniel Berthereau)
Creates, imports, exports, manages and display EAD finding aids via OAI-PMH Static Repository.

ElementManager (Versió 0.1 per Julian Maurice)
Delete or rename existing elements

Element Types (Versió 0.5.0 per Julian Maurice)
Allow elements to have a type, thus allowing easier input. For instance, this plugin implements the 'date' type and show a datepicker widget for elements of this type. Other types can be implemented by plugins.

Exhibit Builder (Versió 3.4.2 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Build rich exhibits using Omeka.

Export (Versió 0.1.0 per BibLibre)
Extensible export plugin

Guest User (Versió 1.1.3 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Adds a guest user role. Can't access backend, but allows plugins to use an authenticated user

Hide Elements (Versió 1.3 per John Flatness)
Hide admin-specified metadata elements.

Item Duplicate Check (Versió 0.2.0 per Julian Maurice)
Check for duplicates before saving item

Item Order (Versió 2.0.2 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Gives administrators the ability to custom order items in collections.

Item Relations (Versió 2.1 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)

Item Review (Versió 1.1 per UC Santa Cruz University Library)
Adds the ability to mark all item created by certain user roles for administrative review before publication.

Neatline (Versió 2.6.3 per Scholars' Lab)
Plot your course in space and time.

Neatline Widget ~ SIMILE Timeline (Versió 2.0.4 per Scholars' Lab)
Add SIMILE Timeline to Neatline exhibits.

Neatline Widget ~ Text (Versió 1.1.0 per Scholars' Lab)
Connect text documents to Neatline exibits.

Neatline Widget ~ Waypoints (Versió 2.0.2 per Scholars' Lab)
Adds a list of waypoints to Neatline exhibits.

PDF Embed (Versió 1.0.1 per John Flatness)
Embeds PDF documents into item and file pages.

PDF Text (Versió 1.3 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Extracts text from PDF files so they can be browsed and searched.

Search By Metadata (Versió 1.2.1 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Allows administrators to configure metadata fields to link to items with same field value

SimpleContactForm (Versió 0.6 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media)
Adds a simple contact form for users to contact the administrator.

Simple Pages (Versió 3.1.2 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
Allows administrators to create simple web pages for their public site.

Simple Vocab (Versió 2.2.2 per Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media)
A simple way to create controlled vocabularies.

Simple Vocab Plus (Versió 2.4 per UC Santa Cruz University Library)
Allows for cloud based vocabulary definition and autosuggest features for Omeka elements

Sitemap 2 (Versió 2.3 per UC Santa Cruz University Library)
This Omeka 2.0+ plugin provides a persistent url for a dynamically generated XML Sitemap, for SEO purposes.